
Bethesda Acupuncture Wellness Clinic

What is Acupuncture?2022-07-19T19:17:59-04:00

Scientists have confirmed the close relationship between acupuncture and the involvement of the cytoskeleton, the central nervous system, lymphatic system as well as the endocrine system. Hair thin needles are inserted into the body at specific points, sometimes referred to as “trigger points” along known pathways called meridians or channels. These needles elicit a vibratory reaction stimulating the flow of “Qi”, one’s life force or vitality. Once a specific area is stimulated with the hair thin needles, they elicit a therapeutic responses in the body to help fight illnesses and stimulate the flow of bodily fluids (blood, sweat, saliva, etc…). This allow for each complex system to communicate with each other in order to achieve a healthy balance.

Is Acupuncture safe? Is it painful?2022-07-19T19:26:57-04:00

Acupuncture is safe and virtually painless and involves the use of hair thin needles that are sterile, individually packaged and disposed of after each use. This minimizes the risk of infection or cross contamination. The needles are inserted into specific points on the body to elicit “Qi”, which usually feels like a dull ache or slight soreness. Most patients report a feeling of relaxation and even euphoria. Scientists have also proven that the use of acupuncture triggers the release of endorphins. Endorphins have a pain relieving hormone effect like morphine, otherwise known as the “happy chemicals” found naturally in the human body.

What should I expect during my first acupuncture visit?2022-07-19T19:33:21-04:00

Your practitioner will make a Chinese medical diagnosis based upon a through consultation and physical assessment, including tongue and pulse observations. Depending upon the nature of your chief complaint and other general health concerns, you will receive a treatment consisting of a few needles, which may be retained for a few mins up to forty mins. There are usually no side effects. Occasionally, the original symptoms may worsen for a few days. In general, slight changes may be triggered. There is no need for alarm, as  these are simply indications that the body’s energy is being redirected and the healing process has neem initiated.

How long, how may and how often?2022-07-19T19:37:40-04:00

Depending on the patient’s condition and treatment plan, each treatment averages about 30 to 60 mins. Because each patient’s health condition and reaction to treatment are unique, the numbers and frequency of treatment varies.

The recommendation is 2 to 4 times per week for the first 4 weeks. Some patients respond remarkably after 1 or 2 treatments. Some may not improve until 8th or 9th visit.

For chronic symptoms, it may require 2 or 3 treatments per week for several months for maximum results. Acute conditions require less treatment than chronic ones.

Commonly treated disorders2022-07-19T19:41:59-04:00

Asthma, Bells Palsy, Bronchitis, Common Cold, Immune Systems, Sinusitis, Headache & Migraines, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, Addiction Disorder, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Low Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Tennis & Golf Elbow, Sciatica, Constipation & Diarrhea, IBS, Indigestion, Nausea & Vomiting, Fibromyalgia, Menopause, PMS, Menstrual Irregularities, Sleep Disorders, Stroke

Health Insurance?2022-07-19T19:43:35-04:00

Today, many health insurance plans now cover acupuncture for chronic pain and other symptoms. We can find out if you have acupuncture coverage.

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